Intakes’ Occasion Detection

This functionality detects the occasion based on the time of food registration.

Service available in the following LogMeal Plans:


Meal timing is also valuable information to consider when someone is trying to eat healthier. Keeping track of all your meals and the time you eat them can help you observe the regularity of meal times. Also, it increases awareness of certain habits such as snacking a lot, under-eating at a particular time of the day, etc.

We distinguish four different occasions by default: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. Depending on the time of the day of the food recognition, it considers that it is one occasion or another.

  • 6 am - 10 am → breakfast
  • 12 pm - 15 pm → lunch
  • 18 pm - 23 pm → dinner
  • Outside these hours, it is considered a snack.

If the default occasions do not match your needs you can also customize them (see Custom Occasions section).

You can also manually modify the occasion of a previously uploaded intake (image). By default, the images have an occasion assigned based on the moment of the request as the timestamp (taking into consideration the user's assigned timezone and custom occasions).

The occasion can be used to group the intakes for each day, so it can be taken into account, for example, for displaying purposes.

The available LogMeal API endpoints for accessing to this service are:

Accessible by the following Types of Users:


🔴 APIUser

🔵 APIUserManager

clock that shows the time of the meal
breakfast as an occasion

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